20-22April 2016, Hamburg

You are invited to learn more about how MediaINFO Digital Library can help your institution to transform digitized archive into live system by attending IFLA International News Media Conference 2016.

University Library of Lausanne will be presenting a paper about Scriptorium project that is proudly running on MediaINFO Digital Library platform since 2012. Scriptorium is an Open Access Platform Dedicated to Digitized Newpapers Launched by the Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire – Lausanne. We have recently posted short coverage about upgrade of Scriptorium on our blog.

Our Swiss distributor 4DigitalBooks – ASSY S.A. will be representing MediaINFO Digital Library Software at the event for all technical and informative questions.

Contact us to book an appointment.


By the size of its collections, it is one of the largest public and academic libraries in Switzerland. It is a modern institution with a history of innovation (In 1971 it was the first library in the country to have fully computerized its catalog). Founded in the year 1537 as a teaching library and a public library since 1825. Since 2009 the BCU is the largest digital library in Switzerland with some 100,000 books digitized.

About 4DigitalBooks – ASSY S.A.

4DigitalBooks was founded in 1998 in Switzerland and have built worlds first fully automatic book scanner in 2001. Their strong background in engineering, automation and robotics, has achieved the world challenge of automatically handling and turning pages of the largest variety of books, magazines, newspapers and bound documents.  In the process, they have developed a unique expertise about document preservation requirements, book safety, digital image quality and industrial scanning productivity and are today manufacturing undeniably best fully automatic robotic scanners for bound materials and their products can be found at worlds biggest digitization projects worldwide.

About MediaINFO

MediaINFO is a complete software solution for intuitive viewing, browsing, searching, cataloguing and sharing digitized content. MediaINFO is powering some of the world’s most prestigious libraries, publishers, educational & government institutions, and magazines. MediaINFO helps organizations utilize and re-use their content more effectively by leveraging past investments in content and re-purposing them for new audiences, over a network or the internet.