Kuwait City, Kuwait – National Library of Kuwait, at its 94th year since establishment in 1923, has selected MediaINFO Digital Library to power the newly established Digital Library section. The Digital Library will contain a selection of precious and rare holdings of the historical heritage and books of the State of Kuwait, making them available to the public in electronic form.
We are proud to welcome this significant and extremely important Library to our portfolio of clients. The vision and leadership of Mr. Kamel Al Abdul Jalil has further strengthened a path of Kuwait towards becoming a beacon of culture and knowledge.
NLK’s Digital Library is currently being populated with content and will soon be available to general public.
About MediaINFO
MediaINFO is a complete software solution for intuitive viewing, browsing, searching, cataloguing and sharing digitized content. MediaINFO is powering some of the world’s most prestigious libraries, publishers, educational & government institutions, and magazines. MediaINFO helps organizations utilize and re-use their content more effectively by leveraging past investments in content and re-purposing them for new audiences, over a network or the internet.
Find out how it can help your organization by visiting https://www.mediainfo.com/
About Geneza
Geneza develops solutions for organizations seeking to better present, control, search, and manage their content. Whether your content is still only in physical form, partly digitized, in PDF, ALTO/METS, flat tiff. We can provide an end-to-end solution that will cover your requirements. Geneza is trusted by some of the world’s largest and most respected libraries and academic institutions.
Find out what Geneza MediaINFO can do for you https://www.mediainfo.com/
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